getting virtual machines is good as you'll only have to pay for when you use them. google cloud is also a good cloud service to use. Basically you need a VM or a Cloud Compute to get yourself a VPN. You can also choose a VPS. Operating system should be Linux. Used Ubuntu 20.04 here. Note- using OpenVPN so you'll have to download OpenVPN Client for your device Step 1- Get yourself a Speedy Cheap (depends) VPN server with the location you want, at least 512GB Ram and 1CPU. Step 2 - Set it up. Step 3- Open Shell and then Update and upgrade everything. step 4- after updating, you can refer to this website. Step 5- After making a VPN profile now you need to get it on your device or mobile. login as root user into ssh and use this sudo find / -iname "*.ovpn" to find the directory where your profile ...
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