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Determination of pH [ Theory and Procedure ]

Our Objective Our objective is to determine the pH of the given sample using; pH paper  Universal indicator The Theory There are millions of chemical substances in the world, some are acids, others are bases and some are neutral.   Acids and Bases Acids are  substances that produce free hydrogen ions (H +  ions) when dissolved in water.   Bases are substances that produce hydroxyl ions (OH -  ions) when dissolved in water. Acidic solutions are rich in hydrogen ions and basic solutions are poor in hydrogen ions. Some acids dissociate only partly, releasing very small amounts of H +  ions, and are called weak acids. Others dissociate completely, releasing large amounts of H +  ions, and are called strong acids. In the same way, bases that dissociate partly are called weak bases and those that dissociate completely are called strong bases. pH of a Solution The acidic or basic property of substances is measured in terms of pH. It is a measurement of the hydrogen ion c

Quantitative Estimation [ Theory and Procedure ]

Objectives To prepare a standard solution of sodium carbonate. To determine the strength of a given solution of hydrochloric acid by titrating it against  standard sodium carbonate solution. The Theory What is Titration? One of the important methods in Quantitative Analysis is Volumetric Analysis, a commonly used laboratory technique. It is used to determine the unknown concentration of a sample by measuring its volume. This process is also called titration. In a titration, a solution of unknown concentration is reacted with a solution of known concentration. The solution taken in the burette is called the titrant and the solution taken in the conical flask is called the analyte. What does the end point of a titration mean? The endpoint of a titration is the point at which the reaction between the titrant and the analyte becomes complete. Generally the endpoint of a titration is determined using indicators. What is a standard solution? A solution of known concentrat