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Qualitative Analysis Of Anions [ Procedure and Theory ]

Our Objective Our objective is to determine the anion present in the given salt. The Theory What is Qualitative Inorganic Analysis? The qualitative inorganic analysis is a method of analytical chemistry that seeks to find out the elemental composition of inorganic compounds through various reagents. It is mainly focused on detection of ions in an aqueous solution, so the substances in other states need to be converted into an aqueous solution before starting the experiment. The procedure for detecting ions (cations and anions) in aqueous solutions are called Cation Analysis and Anion Analysis. Let's discuss the Qualitative Analysis of Anions. Qualitative Analysis of Anions Preliminary Tests Some preliminary tests are done before going to the anion analysis. (A) Physical Examination: Colour and Smell The physical examination of the unknown salt involves the study of colour, smell and density. Characteristic smell helps to identify some anions such as acetate,